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Recent Protests covered by Global Human Rights Defence

UN Geneva, September 2023
The Hague, September 2023

We are dedicated to raising awareness and advocating for the rights of religious minority groups. As a Human Rights organization, we prioritize the voices and concerns of marginalized communities, with a specific focus on Sindhi and Baloch people. Our most recent protest took place in September, at the iconic broken chair outside the United Nations in Geneva. These protests are covered live by our media team members on our news channel, GHRTV. Together we can make a difference and ensure the protection of the rights and freedoms of all individuals, regardless of their religious beliefs.

Protests at the United Nations in Geneva

One of our key initiatives is our coverage of protests outside the United Nations in Geneva, specifically at the iconic Broken Chair. Our aim is to shed light on the pressing issues faced by religious minorities. By bringing attention to these protests, we hope to raise awareness, engage the international community, and give a voice to those who can't speak up. Most recently, we covered two protests regarding the persecution of Sindhi and Baloch people in Pakistan.

Protest of Pakistani Christians in the Hague

GHRD's media team attended a protest organised by the Overseas Pakistani Christians' Alliance and the United Pakistani Christians' Community Europe to discuss the discrimination and violation of human rights experienced by the Pakistani Christian community, especially after the mob attack in Jaranwala, Pakistan on 16 August 2023.

Protest on the Khmer-Krom indigenous peoples

GHRD documented the Khmer-Krom people's protest, organized by the non-governmental organization Khmers Kampuchea-Krom Federation. The primary objective of this protest is to advocate for the immediate release of four unjustly detained Khmer-Krom individuals. Their overarching goal is to compel the Vietnamese government to uphold the rights of indigenous peoples.

Falun Gong Protest in Amsterdam

GHRTV covered a protest in Amsterdam on 20th July 2024, highlighting 25 years of persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners in China. Originating in the 1990s, Falun Gong teaches meditation and qigong exercises. Since 1999, practitioners have faced abuses such as abduction, imprisonment, torture, and organ harvesting.