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Our reports are dedicated to highlighting the struggles of minority groups worldwide. Through our research and analysis, we shed light on the challenges faced by marginalized communities and advocate for their rights and dignity.

8338Conquering the Right to Abortion – The French Journey on Women’s Access to AbortionSimone de Beauvoir’s famous quote from 1949 remains relevant today to drive the fight for …2024/05/31, , , , , , , Download
7797Women´s Roles in the 1971 Bangaldesh GenocideThis report highlights the experiences of women during the Bangladesh Genocide in 1971, emphasizing their …2024/05/27, Download
7779Rape as an Act of Genocide: A Feminist Interpretation of the Akayesu JudgementJean-Paul Akayesu’s trial marked the first time the crime of genocide was prosecuted under the …2024/05/22, Download
8244The Right to Health: Lack of Physical Well-Being and its Effects on Mental Health with a Specific Focus on Chronic IllnessesHealth is a fundamental human right, essential for other rights. Mental health is crucial for …2024/05/14Download
8335Women in GazaThe report focuses on the situation of Palestinian women in Gaza, specifically addressing gender-based violence …2024/05/14, , , , , , Download
77992024 European Elections: What is at Stake for Women’s Rights in EuropeThe UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women has criticized a global epidemic of femicide, …2024/04/24, , , , Download
7289Understanding the Barriers: Analysis of Women’s Access to JusticeThis report explores the challenges faced by women seeking justice, highlighting the importance of access …2024/04/17, Download
7282Forced Labour in China: A Tool for Oppressing Ethnic MinoritiesModern slavery, including forced labour and human trafficking, still exists, with around 50 million people …2024/04/12, Download
7465India’s Lok Sabha 2024 ElectionsIndia is a diverse and expansive country with 28 states and 8 Union Territories. It …2024/04/12, Download
7279The Plight of the Rohingya People in Myanmar: A Human Rights and Humanitarian CrisisThe Rohingya people in Myanmar have been facing systemic discrimination, violence, and displacement for decades. …2024/04/11, , , Download
6632NASA and Women’s RightsScience, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) have historically been male-dominated fields, with women facing barriers …2024/02/01, , , Download
6631Analysing the British Criminal Justice System from a Women’s Rights PerspectiveViolence against women is a widespread and unpunished human rights violation, with one woman killed …2024/02/01, , , Download
6628A Feminist Europe, Dream or Reality?Since 1957, the European Union (EU) has been a key player in promoting gender equality, …2024/02/01, , , , Download
6649Beyond Borders: Analysing Japan’s Immigration and Detention Landscape in Light of International Legal StandardsJapan, known for its economic advancement, technological innovation, and commitment to peace, has a restrictive …2023/12/12, , Download
7001Challenges in the Jurisprudence of the ECtHR on Women’s Rights Issues: An Analysis of Abortion and Domestic Violence Cases Before the Strasbourg CourtThis report examines key judgments of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) concerning women’s …2023/12/01, , Download
6571The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Media and Women’s RightsThis report discusses the dual impact of media on women’s rights, highlighting how it has …2023/11/07Download
6570Women Domestic Workers in Diplomatic Households in the Netherlands: Challenges and RecommendationsThe report examines the vulnerability of migrant domestic workers employed by diplomats, highlighting their susceptibility …2023/11/07, Download
6572Exploring Article 4 of the ECHR: Analysis of the ECtHR’s Jurisprudence on Human Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation and Forced ProstitutionIt examines the application of Article 4 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) …2023/10/31, Download
6584Even War Has Rules: A Broken Promise to HumanityIt reflects on the importance of upholding humanity in the face of political and economic …2023/10/24, Download
6576Child Early and Forced Marriage as Woman’s Rights Violation: A Common Reality in Niger, Bangladesh and the Dominican RepublicDespite global efforts to reduce Child, Early, and Forced Marriage (CEFM), its eradication by 2030 …2023/08/21, , , , Download
6575Breaking Barriers: Empowering and Advocating for Women in STEMThis report addresses violations and champion the implementation of women’s rights globally, with a focus …2023/08/21Download
6585The Social and Economic Rights Action Center and the Center For Economical And Social Rights v. NigeriaThe case against Nigeria highlights numerous human rights abuses, particularly violations of the right to …2023/08/01, , Download
6647Understanding Intersectional Feminism: Origins, Modern Activism and CritiquesIntersectionality is a key concept in contemporary feminist discourse, examining the disproportionate impact of oppression …2023/08/01, , Download
6574At the Intersections of Women’s Rights: Examining the Rights of Marginalised WomenThis report highlights the historical achievements of the women’s rights movement while acknowledging its historical …2023/07/01, , , Download
6578The Challenges of Expecting Women to Prevent War, Build Peace, and Represent the Entire Female BodyIt emphasizes the crucial role of women in peacebuilding efforts, highlighting their unique perspectives and …2023/06/01, Download
6577Women’s Rights in Natural Disasters A Gendered PerspectiveThis report highlights that natural disasters disproportionately impact marginalized groups, with women and girls being …2023/06/01, Download
6573Women Human Rights Defenders: Compounded Violence, Limited ProtectionIt delves into the critical role of Women Human Rights Defenders (WHRDs) in advancing human …2023/06/01, Download
6645Fedotova and Others v the Russian Federation: an Overdue Decision on Same-Sex Relationship RecognitionThe Russian Federation joined the Council of Europe (CoE) in 1996 and ratified the European …2023/05/29, , Download
6579The Refusal of Recognition of Transgender Legal Motherhood in the ECtHR’sThe European Court of Human Rights rendered a decision in the case of A.H. and …2023/05/06Download
6643Research Report The Environmental Pollution in PakistanPakistan ranks fourth globally in air pollution, with 99% of its population living in areas …2023/04/08, Download
6559Online Gender Based Violence: Implications, Developments and the Legal FrameworkThe report delves into the pressing issue of online gender-based violence (OGBV), highlighting its various …2023/04/01, , , Download
6556Women and Girls in Refugee SettingsThe report examines the gender-specific challenges faced by women and girls within the refugee framework, …2023/04/01, , Download
6641Monthly Report PakistanThe March Monthly Report provides a comprehensive overview of human rights developments in Pakistan, focusing …2023/03/29, , , Download
6580International Women’s Day 2023International Women’s Day, celebrated annually on March 8th, serves as a crucial reminder of the …2023/03/08, , Download
6639Women and the Working EnvironmentThe report examines the role of women in the working environment, focusing on academia and …2023/03/01, , Download
6586Right to Religious Freedom and Non-Discrimination of Queer People in the Inter-American Case LawQueer rights in Latin America have seen significant advancements since the 1990s, with victories such …2023/02/10, , , , Download
6581Iran’s Past, Present and Future in Women’s Rights: Research ReportThe report delves into the evolving landscape of women’s rights in Iran, tracing its trajectory …2023/02/01, , Download
6637Monthly Report PakistanThis report provides an in-depth analysis of significant events in Pakistan in February, focusing on …2023/02/01, , , Download
6635Research on Reconstruction after Natural Disaster and Human Rights Protection in PakistanPakistan experienced a natural disaster from June to August 2022, resulting in over 1700 deaths …2023/01/11, , , Download
6587The Rights of the Ogiek as an Indigenous GroupIndigenous peoples are entitled to individual and collective rights, including the rights over their ancestral …2022/12/17, , , Download
6655Monthly Report PakistanThis monthly report provides an overview of human rights violations in November 2022, focusing on …2022/12/12, , , , Download
6664Housing Vulnerability ReportIn 2022, finding housing in the Netherlands is challenging for internationals, students, people of color, …2022/12/10, , Download
6665Monthly Report PakistanThis report provides an overview of the impact of December 2022 on marginalized and vulnerable …2022/12/01, , , Download
6582The Interview of Nazley Sharif South Africa’s Shadow Deputy Minister of Women Youth and Persons with DisabilitiesIt aims to spotlight overlooked violations and advancements in women’s rights globally, recognizing these issues …2022/11/30, Download
6971Bonded Labour Report SindhThe agricultural industry in Pakistan, which accounts for 18.9% of the economy and employs 42.3% …2022/10/19, Download
6671Child Marriage in Indonesia: Extensive Country ReportIndonesia has one of the highest rates of child marriage under 18 years, with one …2022/10/01, , , Download
6669Monthly Report PakistanThis report provides an overview of recent human rights developments in Pakistan, focusing on vulnerable …2022/10/01, , , , Download
6667The Rise of Populist Discourse in Europe and its ConsequencesPopulism, a complex concept, has evolved over time, with modern populism focusing on the people …2022/10/01, Download
6673Monthly Report on Government’s Repression of Freedom of Speech and Minority Voices in VietnamThis report examines the Vietnamese government’s repression of civil society and human rights defenders. It …2022/09/30, , , Download
6689Challenging State Impunity: The Plight of the Rohingya People and the Gambia’s Claims that Myanmar’s Government has Committed GenocideThe Gambia has filed a case against Myanmar in the International Court of Justice (ICJ), …2022/09/18, , , , Download
6687Monthly Report on PhilippinesThe report highlights the human rights issues faced by indigenous people, ethnic groups, religious minorities, …2022/09/01, , , , Download
6685Monthly Report TibetThis report highlights human rights violations in Tibet, focusing on minorities, and presents five cases …2022/09/01, Download
6871Monthly Report PakistanThis monthly report aims to highlight human rights abuses against marginalized individuals in Pakistan in …2022/09/01, , , , Download
66975th Anniversary of Rohingyas’ Exodus in Bangladesh: What’s Next?August 2022 marked the fifth anniversary of the Rohingya Muslims’ exodus from Myanmar into Bangladesh. …2022/08/01, , Download
6695Monthly Report PakistanThis monthly report aims to provide an overview of significant human rights abuses against minority …2022/08/01, , , , , , , Download
6693Monthly Report TibetThis report highlights human rights violations in Tibet, focusing on minorities and presenting five cases …2022/08/01, Download
6691Research Report: Reproductive Health and Rights in PakistanPakistan, with 235,976,122 people, has 48.5% women, but over 114,448,000 lack reproductive healthcare rights, leading …2022/08/01, Download
6700Religious Persecution/Religion-Based Violence in BangladeshBangladesh has been grappling with communal and religious-based violence since its independence from Pakistan in …2022/07/12, , Download
6712Increased Surveillance, Religious Repression, Censorship of Online Media of Dissemination in Tibet by ChinaThe Chinese occupation of Tibet has led to increased surveillance practices targeting religious freedom and …2022/07/01, , , Download
6709Monthly Report PakistanThis monthly report provides an overview of human rights abuses against minority and marginalized groups …2022/07/01, , , Download
6708The Violation of Indigenous Rights in MexicoMexico has a diverse Indigenous population of 16,933,283, representing 15.1% of all Mexicans. Despite their …2022/07/01, Download
6720Arbitrary Detention and Torture in TibetSince the 2008 uprising against Chinese rule, Tibetans, scholars, and artists have faced arbitrary detention …2022/06/01, , , Download
6718LGBTQ+ Rights in BangladeshThe LGBTQ+ community in Bangladesh faces numerous systemic injustices, including physical and sexual violence, low …2022/06/01, , , Download
6716Monthly Report TibetThis report highlights human rights violations in Tibet, focusing on minorities and presenting five cases …2022/06/01, Download
6714The European Framework on LGBTQIA+ RightsThe LGBTQIA+ community’s rights in the European framework are influenced by various factors, including rising …2022/06/01, , Download
6724International and Domistic Criminal Responses to the Alleged War Crimes Comitted in Ukraine Since February 2022The International Criminal Court (ICC) is established to combat impunity for international crimes, as outlined …2022/06/01, Download
7003Business and Human Rights in the Inter-American System the Case of the Miskito DiversThe Inter-American Court of Human Rights has issued a judgment in Lemoth Morris et al. …2022/05/28Download
6726The Massive Incarceration Of Women In Brazil: A Cycle Of Violence And ExclusionThe global trend of female incarceration is increasing, with 740,000 women currently in prison, a …2022/05/25, , , Download
6722Crimes Involved in Russia’s Invasion of UkraineThe war in Ukraine began with Russia’s invasion in February 2022, deemed a violation of …2022/05/22, , , Download
6729Freedom of Speech in BangladeshFreedom of expression is a fundamental pillar of democracy, allowing everyone to participate in public …2022/05/20, , Download
6731Their Bodies, Their VoicesAbortion remains a controversial issue, with states like Akansas and Texas implementing restrictive policies since …2022/05/19, Download
6733‘Ukrainians First’: Uncovering the Racism against African, South Asian & Middle-Eastern Refugees from UkraineThe article highlights the discrimination and racism experienced by Global-South nationals fleeing Ukraine during the …2022/05/17, , , , , Download
6737Abortion Rights Around the World: Research ReportAbortion remains a contentious issue worldwide, with millions of women participating in discussions about Sexual …2022/05/01, , , Download
6735The European Framework on Migration, Asylum and Refugee StatusEurope is a major player in international and regional migration, making a comprehensive and long-term …2022/05/01, , Download
6747Canada Article The Aftermath of the Canadian Indian Residential School SystemIndigenous peoples or First Nations are the original people who inhabited North America before European …2022/04/14, Download
6745Gender Based Violence in Costa Rica and the Case of Allison Bonilla VásquezThe gap between written laws and their enforcement in legal systems worldwide is significant, particularly …2022/04/14, , , Download
6743Gender Based Violence in Cuidad Juárez, MexicoCiudad Juárez, Mexico, is a dangerous city plagued by drug trafficking, violence, and corruption. The …2022/04/14, , Download
6741Guatemala’s Oppression of Indigenous Human Rights Defenders: The case of Bernardo Caal XolGuatemala’s judicial system has systematically targeted indigenous human rights defenders, with at least 881 arrest …2022/04/14, Download
6739United States of AmericaThe USA is a federation of 50 states, with a presidential system. Each state has …2022/04/14Download
6583The Conception of Feminism Research ReportFeminism is often misunderstood globally, with misconceptions ranging from viewing it as anti-men or advocating …2022/04/01, Download
6774Chinese Censorship During Harsh Covid-19 LockdownsSeveral individuals in China have been detained due to censorship during the COVID-19 pandemic, a …2022/04/01, , Download
6963Internally Displaced Persons in PakistanIn 2020, 829,000 people were internally displaced in Pakistan due to disasters, and 390 due …2022/03/30Download
6778Child Marriage and the Shortcomings of International Human Rights Law, as Reflected in the Example of IndiaUNICEF reports that over 650 million women are married before the age of 18, with …2022/03/15, , Download
6977Quatemala’s Opression of Indigenous Human Rights Defenders: The case of Bernardo Caal XolGuatemala’s judicial system has been targeting indigenous human rights defenders, with at least 881 arrest …2022/03/02, Download
6804Monthly Report PakistanThis monthly report aims to provide an overview of significant human rights abuses against minority …2022/03/01, , , Download
6787China’s Role in the Russia-Ukraine conflictThe Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 has sparked international concern, as it reflects …2022/03/01, , , Download
6784Monthly Report Women’s RightsMarch is a significant month for women’s rights and gender equality, with the month beginning …2022/03/01, , , , , Download
6782Research Report: Women’s RightsPregnancy discrimination occurs when pregnant women are not hired or fired due to their condition …2022/03/01, Download
6780The Shadow Pandemic Femicide in EuropeFemicide, a serious and preventable pandemic, has grown exponentially alongside the COVID-19 pandemic. Femicide is …2022/03/01, , , Download
6795China and the 2022 OlympicsThe 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, China, have garnered significant political and media attention, highlighting …2022/02/01, Download
6792International Women’s Day in BangladeshThis report highlights the human rights violations faced by Bangladeshi women, despite constitutional guarantees of …2022/02/01, , , , , , Download
6790Monthly Report Women’s RightsThis report provides an overview of women’s rights evolution and violations worldwide in February 2022. …2022/02/01, , , , , Download
6967The Prosecution v Dominic OngwenDominic Ongwen, born in 1975 in Northern Uganda, was kidnapped by the Lord’s Resistance Army …2022/01/03Download
6802Minority Rights Violations in HungaryHungary has been consistently violating international law since the election of Prime Minister Viktor Orbán …2022/01/01, , , Download
6800Monthly Report PakistanThis monthly report highlights human rights issues and violations against minorities and marginalized groups in …2022/01/01, , Download
6797The Bangladesh Climate Crisis: Assessing Climate Change Social ImpactsBangladesh, a predominantly Islamic country in South Asia, is one of the world’s most densely …2022/01/01, , , Download
6653Anti-Asian Hate Crimes in the Covid-19 EraThe COVID-19 pandemic has led to a rise in hate crimes against people of Asian …2022/01/01, , , Download
6651Mexico Quarterly Report on the Human Rights SituationMexico, a federation of 31 states and Mexico City, is organized as the capital and …2021/12/31, Download
6860Focus on Unequal Treatment of Single Mothers in ChinaChina’s central government is promoting family planning and expanding families due to low birth rates. …2021/12/01, Download
6867A year of Regression for Press and Media Freedom in RussiaIn 2000, Vladimir Putin became president, leading to a crackdown on press freedom in Russia. …2021/11/01, Download
6862Gender Equality in CanadaGender equality is a fundamental right in many nations, aiming to create a peaceful, prosperous, …2021/11/01, , , , , , , , Download
6869Immigration Detention in CanadaCanada, a refugee-welcoming country, has been criticized for its detention of migrants seeking refuge and …2021/10/01, , Download
6875Mexico Landmark Rulings on Reproductive Rights: Abortion – No Longer a Crime!In September 2021, the Mexican Supreme Court declared the total criminalization of abortion unconstitutional, overturning …2021/09/01, Download
7005The Prosecuter V. Bosco NtagandaBosco Ntaganda, born in Rwanda in 1973, was a key military leader in the Democratic …2021/05/13Download
6991All Equal for the Law in the United Arab Emirates? The LGBT CommunityThe United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a young federation with a diverse community, with 80% …2021/05/11, , Download
6887Country Report: Islamic Republic of MauritaniaMauritania, located in Northwest Africa, is a flat, desert country with a flat structure. It …2021/05/01Download
6885Country Report: Republic of Cabo VerdeCabo Verde, an African insular country in the Central Atlantic Ocean, is known for its …2021/05/01, Download
6883Country Report: Republic of Equatorial GuineaEquatorial Guinea, located on the west coast of Central Africa, borders Cameroon and Gabon. With …2021/05/01Download
6881Country Report: Republic of MauritiusMauritius, a group of islands in Africa, has made significant strides in women’s empowerment, with …2021/05/01, Download
6879Country Report: São Tomé and PríncipeSão Tomé and Príncipe is a small African country in the Atlantic Ocean, consisting of …2021/05/01Download
6877Country Report: Union of the ComorosThe Comoros, an insular country in the Indian Ocean, is located on the eastern coast …2021/05/01Download
6987Hate Speech and Discrimination Against RomaThis report highlights the ongoing discrimination against the Roma ethnic group, particularly in Europe, and …2021/04/23, , , Download
6889East Africa ReportThe report highlights human rights-related incidents in Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda, …2021/04/01, , Download
6965Workers Not Slaves: Human Rights Violations Under the Kafala SystemThe Arab states of the Persian Gulf, including the UAE, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, …2021/03/30Download
6989Country Profile Saudi ArabiaSaudi Arabia, officially the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, is the largest sovereign state in Western …2021/03/25Download
6973Yemeni Situation: Inside the Civil War & Terrorist AttacksSix years after Saudi intervention in the Yemen Civil War, the Yemeni Ministry of Foreign …2021/03/24Download
6986Human Rights Violations Against HIV-Positive Migrants in the Arab WorldAround 40 million people worldwide are living with HIV, with 95% living in low- and …2021/03/13, , ,
6984Lebanon reportYaum Al-Nakbah, or “the day of catastrophe,” significantly impacted Palestinians and host countries in the …2021/03/13Download
6903Country Profile JordanJordan, a strategic Middle Eastern country, spans 89,342 km and borders Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, …2021/03/01Download
6901Pakistan ReportThis report aims to raise awareness about ongoing human rights violations faced by minorities and …2021/03/01, , Download
6899Nepal ReportThis report highlights the challenges faced by minorities and marginalized groups in Nepal, including religious …2021/03/01, , , , Download
6897South America ReportThis report highlights the challenges faced by minorities and marginalized groups in Colombia and Brazil. …2021/03/01, , , , , Download
6895Sri Lanka ReportThis report highlights the challenges faced by minorities and marginalized groups in Sri Lanka, a …2021/03/01, , Download
6893Tibet ReportThis report highlights the challenges faced by minorities and marginalized groups in Tibet, focusing on …2021/03/01, , Download
6891USA ReportThis monthly report provides an overview of human rights issues against minority groups in the …2021/03/01, , Download
6975Saudi Arabia ReportLoujain al-Hathloul, a prominent Saudi Arabian women’s rights activist, was arrested in 2018 for attempting …2021/02/10, , Download
6911America ReportThis monthly report highlights human rights violations and discrimination against minority groups in the United …2021/02/01, , , Download
6909Mexico ReportThis report examines the fundamental human rights issues faced by minority groups in Mexico, focusing …2021/02/01, , , , Download
6907Sri Lanka ReportThis report highlights the ongoing human rights violations faced by minority groups in Sri Lanka, …2021/02/01, , Download
6905Tibet ReportThe report highlights the significant human rights violations faced by minority groups in Tibet, particularly …2021/02/01, , Download
6915Monthly Report TibetThe report highlights the ongoing human rights violations against minority groups in Tibet, particularly in …2021/01/01, Download
6913South America ReportBrazil and Colombia experienced multiple human rights violations in January 2021, disproportionately affecting indigenous people …2021/01/01, , , , Download
6917Pakistan ReportIn Pakistan, several cases of religious conversions occurred in 2019 and 2020. A 20-year-old Hindu …2020/12/31, , Download
6993Pakistan Report on Sexual Assault and MurderPakistan’s Constitution allows freedom of religion for minority groups, but the country has a poor …2020/10/31, , , , Download
6923Human Rights Violations in MalaysiaMalaysia, a multicultural country with diverse religions, ethnicities, and refugees, predominantly consists of the Bumiputra’s, …2020/10/31, , , , , , Download
6921Pakistan ReportPakistan’s Constitution allows freedom of religion for minority groups, but ongoing attacks on them, including …2020/10/01, , Download
6919Turkey ReportTurkey is facing a growing human rights crisis, with a decline in the rule of …2020/10/01, , , , , Download
6925Monthly Report PakistanIn September 2020, Pakistan experienced a series of cases involving Christian activists, blasphemy suspects, witch …2020/09/01, , , , Download
6928Human Rights Violations Against Religious Minority Communities in BangladeshThe Global Human Rights Defence (GHRD) and Research and Empowerment Organization (REO) have been organizing …2020/08/01, , Download
6930Monthly Report on Human Rights Situation in BangladeshBangladesh faces significant challenges in protecting human rights due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the …2020/05/01, , , Download
6936International Women’s Day in NepalGlobal Human Rights Defence (GHRD) conducted a health camp in Sankhu, Nepal, on March 8th, …2019/03/09, , Download
6934International Women’s Day in PakistanGlobal Human Rights Defence (GHRD) and Human Rights Focus Pakistan (HRFP) held an event on …2019/03/09, , , , , Download
6932International Women’s Day Sri in LankaOn March 8, 2019, GHRD held an event in Gampaha to highlight women’s rights in …2019/03/09, , Download
6938Human Rights ReportGlobal Human Rights Defence (GHRD) is a global organization that advocates for the rights of …2019/03/07, , , , , Download
6944Annual Report 2014: Human RightsGlobal Human Rights Defence (GHRD) has produced a report on the human rights of religious …2014/12/31, , , Download
6942Annual Report 2014: Human Rights in BangladeshGlobal Human Rights Defence (GHRD) reports on the human rights violations against Bangladeshi minorities in …2014/12/31, , Download
6940Annual Report 2014: Empowering Change, Defending Human Rights One Case at a TimeIn 2014, South Asian minorities faced numerous challenges, including communal attacks, forced conversions, marriages, land …2014/12/31, Download
6969The Invisible Minority: The Situation of the LGBT Community in BangladeshThe report by Global Human Rights Defence, commissioned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of …2014/07/25, , Download
6951Annual Report 2013: Human Rights in BangladeshBangladesh’s human rights situation worsened in 2013 due to government policies that supported singular identity …2013/12/31, , , , Download
6948Annual Report 2013: Human Rights in PakistanPakistan, founded by Muhammad Ali Jinnah in 1947, is home to one of the world’s …2013/12/31, , , , Download
6946Annual Report 2013Global Human Rights Defence (GHRD) is dedicated to promoting and protecting the human rights of …2013/12/31, , , Download
6957Annual Report 2012: Human Rights in BangladeshBangladesh’s Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition have pledged to create a peaceful, inclusive …2012/12/31, , , , Download
6955Annual Report 2012: Human Rights in PakistanIn 2012, Pakistan experienced increased sectarian violence, political instability, and the influence of terrorist groups, …2012/12/31, , , , Download
6953Annual Report 2012In 2012, Global Human Rights Defence (GHRD) received a significant grant from the Dutch Ministry …2012/12/31, , , Download
6961Annual Social Report 2011In 2011, GHRD held a significant milestone by bringing local South Asian partners to speak …2011/12/31, Download
6959Quarterly Human Rights Report 2011: Minorities in BangladeshGlobal Human Rights Defence (GHRD) has been active in Bangladesh since 2003, conducting fact-finding missions …2011/09/30, , , , , , Download
6980Minority Rights in PakistanPakistan has ratified several human rights treaties, including the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and …2011/01/25, , , , Download